5 Practices to Relieve Stress!

Simple Concepts with Profound Effects!

We live in a fast-paced and difficult world that is hard to maneuver, but it never ceases to be filled with opportunity and beauty. Make it better with these feasible tips!

  1. Breathe Mindfully.

Take a few minutes during the day to breathe deeply. Breathe in through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly. Engaging your diaphragm and mind in this way centers your body. Add fresh air to the equation for extra benefit!

google search for "deep breathing"

When you enter “deep breathing” into beloved Google, a one minute breathing exercise pops up, brought to you by the search engine!

2. Practice Good Karma.

Be kind to yourself and try to be kind to others. The world is complicated and often self-involved, but there is great capacity for goodness and camaraderie. Send good energy into the atmosphere and try to find balance within yourself. Positivity and mindfulness only bread more of the same realities. You’ll find that a calmer, brighter approach to your day will help with stress and emotional imbalance.

colorful abstract design with circle in the middle, text within circle explaining karma

3. Exercise!

You don’t have to run a marathon to get some good exercise done. Go for a walk, try yoga poses at home, even do butt clenches at your desk (sounds funny, but I’m serious!). Warm up your muscles and rejuvenate your body.

People running outside

4. Unplug.

Turn away from your phone, computer, or tablet for a small period of time a day. Give your eyes and your mind a breather. Our lives are cluttered and our technology is overwhelming. Loosen up and take care of yourself.

central park

NYC is a beautiful city- step back and take a look!

5. Write!

Whether it be a journal entry, a to-do list, or a simple stream of consciousness, writing is therapeutic and can center your mind. An old writing professor of mine would advice students to literally scribe the words “I don’t know what to write,” until something came to mind. The act alone is a catalyst to new ideas and a more serene state of being. Pick a cute book, choose your favorite pen, and write.

journal with pen


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